Clubs and Societies

U3A Fun Quiz at the Royal Oak

The Social Team of the Torrevieja U3A organised their first main event of 2022 on January 8th with a Fun Quiz which was held...

Carp-R-Us are back

Carp-R-Us returned after the Christmas break to fish the stretch of water known as Nancys. Even though we arrived just as it was getting...

That vintage taste of Spangles is back

Spangles Ladies’ Harmony Chorus has coped well with whatever this pandemic has thrown at them. “The past two years have been unprecedented but we’re a...

Financial boost for Alicante Sport

The department of sports Area of ​​the Diputación de Alicante has budgeted more than twelve million euros in 2022 that will be used, mainly,...

Garden Felix: Anthurium – Flamingo Flower

Rewards you with wonderful, long-lasting flowers Anthurium - Flamingo Flower - is grown as a houseplant in cooler areas, but can be grown outside...


