
Mosque desecrated in Murcia in anti-Muslim attack

A second anti Muslim attack has been made last week in the Murcia town of Cabezo de Torres when a mosque was vandalised in...

Orihuela Costa RBL welcome new Chaplain

The Orihuela Costa and District Branch of the Royal British Legion have welcomed the Reverend Andrew Rea as their new Branch Chaplain, following the...

Alicante-Orihuela Bishop resigns his appointment

The Vatican is currently in the process of appointing the next bishop of the Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante after receiving a letter of resignation from...

Camposol’s Act of Remembrance for Prince Phillip

On a lovely crisp Saturday morning the 17th April 2021 at 1100hrs  the community of Camposol and its surrounds came together for an act...

Orihuela to build a cemetery on the coast

After years of demands, appeals, and protests from coastal residents, the Orihuela City Council has finally announced that it is looking for a suitable...


