The Royal British Legion

Hondón Valley Legion Branch Meeting

The Branch held its AGM on Tuesday 19th November, in Hondón de los Frailes.  The President and Chairman both commented on the huge amount...

D Day veteran celebrates 100th birthday in Villamartin

Percival Chafer celebrated his 100th birthday last week with two ‘bashes’. The first was held on the actual day of his birthday at Eduardos,...

New President for Orihuela Costa RBL

The Annual General Meeting of the Orihuela Costa and District Branch of the Royal British Legion took place last Tuesday with virtually all of...

Hopes are high as Poppy Count gets underway

This year the Poppy Appeal is aiming to raise over £50 million to help support serving and ex-serving members of the Armed Forces community...

Hondón Valley Remembrance Service

The Catholic Church in Hondón de los Frailes was full for the Annual Remembrance Service. Father Don Witts officiated and his address was very...


