Reach Out

Torrevieja’s Reach Out Homeless Charity to close down temporarily after 9 years

The charity has NEVER before closed it’s doors during the nine years of it’s existence Dear Volunteers, It is after much soul searching and discussion...

Reach Out fear for homeless if service is disrupted

Although we need to consider or own situation, and that of our family, in these difficult times, David Young, the President of Torrevieja Charity...

Torrevieja Restaurant Provides Lunch at Reach Out!

Monday 27th January was another first for Reach Out Extienda La Mano. A Local Restaurant owner, his wife and a small team provided, prepared...

Reach Out Support more in need than ever

After completing their end of year totals, it became aware to the Board at Reach Out that once more the support and help given...

Christmas Thanks from Reach Out

Reach Out would very much appreciate it if you could include in your next issue a BIG thank you to the Benefactors who recently...


