Cruz Roja (Red Cross)

Associations and Volunteers Represented in Torrevieja

Volunteers representing associations from around the region came together at the Parque de las Naciones in Torrevieja on Saturday, at Regional Volunteer Days 2023...

“Two Trolley’s Of Food for the Cruz Roja”

The Cruz Roja Torrevieja seemed very pleased with yet another delivery of donated food items. David and Lorrraine Whitney, local fundraisers, were happy to deliver...

They just keep giving

The generosity of people in these tough times is quite amazing as the photo shows. Donations of food and toys plus a load of...

Cruz Roja Demolition Started

Part of the demolition of the old Cruz Roja building in Santa Pola has been carried out for a total amount of 33,914 euro. The...

Thanking Overseas Supermarket in Torrevieja

A massive thank you to James Lound manager of Overseas Supermarket Torrevieja. Not only has he approved of a trolley collection for the 'Cruz...


