
Responsible Gaming in Spain: Managing Slot Gaming and Player Safety

Spain has taken a proactive approach to responsible gaming, implementing measures to ensure the safety of its players. The country has been at the...

JYSK Reopens Gran Alacant Store After Refurb

Furniture and home décor store JYSK reopens the doors to their Gran Alacant store on Thursday, following extensive modernisation work. Located on Avda. Finland, 17,...

Servigroup Hotels increases commitment to Communication with new appointments

Servigroup Hotels, the leading hotel chain in the Valencian Community, has 18 hotels in the provinces of Castellón, Alicante, Murcia and Almería; and an...

The Leader Daily Briefing – Monday 12 February 2024

In Spain Today, ITV workers call industrial action from today, swimming pool child sexual abuse trial starts.   The week starts with hardly any economic references....

Cartagena farmers block the N-332 in La Zenia

Donned in yellow vests, seventy farmers from the Cartagena countryside brought the N-332 to a standstill in La Zenia on Saturday afternoon, blocking traffic...


