
Shopping Bonus in Los Montesinos

Shoppers in Los Montesinos will be able to benefit from the latest bonus campaign, Bonoconsumo Los Montesinos 2023, that will begin on April 24...

Zenia Boulevard to invest 18 million in upgrade

Zenia Boulevard Shopping Centre will invest 18 million euros to renovate its facilities during the coming months. The works, already underway, will improve the...

Orihuela Launches Father´s Day Commercial Cartoon Campaign

The Councillor for Commerce in Orihuela, María García, has presented the commercial promotion campaign, “¡Feliz día Papá!”, to help boost local commerce whilst celebrating...

Ximo Puig to meet with food distributors to curb prices

The president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, has announced that in the coming days he will hold a meeting with the distributors working in...

Over 1,500 people apply to be models at Zenia Boulevard

The "we're looking for models" campaign, held during the last couple of months, and promoted by Zenia Boulevard, is to provide encouragement to all...


