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The Leader Newspaper 19 June 2023 – Edition 976

A distressed blue nose shark provided bathers with a scare on Friday as it swam close to an Orihuela Costa beach at La Caleta...

La Marina GS

This week was the 1st round of the Summer Cup for the members of the La Marina Golf Society. The venue for today’s game was...


Thank you for supporting Smiling Jack's golf society. We had a beautiful day at the beautiful Vistabella. The course was in excellent condition and...

SAMM Golf Society at La Finca

Tuesday 6th June 2023 The course was in great condition and the sun shone as captain for the day, Jack Moss, led us away....

Founder of former RBL Spain North Concert Band dined out

David Last, the founder of the former RBL Concert Band, was dined out by band members and guests at Semana 8 Chinese Restaurant, in...