Kevin Reardon

1146 POSTS

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Undelivered mail blamed on lack of Post Office staff in Orihuela

3,000 notifications and nearly 1,000 letters remain undelivered. This is the calculation made by the CSIF union, calling the situation "serious" as there are...

Minister Teresa Ribera returns to the Mar Menor

The third vice president and minister for the Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, will returns to the Mar Menor on Thursday to report on the...

Mayor pays tribute to Orihuela Costa officers for saving 4 lives

The Mayor of Orihuela, Pepe Vegara, has paid tribute on Tuesday to the two Local Police officers who recently saving the lives of four...

Cambiemos rejection of Bullfighting return to Orihuela

Cambiemos has denounced that VOX is negotiating the return of bullfighting to Orihuela. During the recent visit of the Minister of Culture to the city,...

Bellavista Owners want 1.2 million to restore public walkway

Despite the repeated promises of the Orihuela Council, there would now seem to be very little likelihood of the Aguamarina Promenade reopening in time...