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Crescendo International Choir with RBL Band in Benidorm

Crescendo International Choir gave a well-received concert with the Royal British Legion Concert Band Saturday October 15 at Don Pancho Hotel in Benidorm. The...

Arts & Crafts Market in Xàtiva

Fira de Borja: concerts of ancient music, guided tours, gastronomy and Arts&Crafts in Xàtiva Játiva (or Xàtiva in Valencian) is a city in the...

Local Freemason’s hold Ladies Night to raise funds for Cancer Care

Local Freemason's Lodge, Puerto de Xàbia No. 58 had a very successful Ladies’ Night with almost ninety people attending, on the 23rd of September...

Torrevieja U3A Annual Groups Fair

The annual Groups Fair that was held in the CMO building at the end of September proved to be a successful event with an...

Local Freemason’s help Raquel Paya school.

Worshipful Brother Peter Johnson, the Worshipful Master of Arenal Deportiva Lodge No 65, accompanied by several of his Senior Lodge Officers were delighted to...