Bernie Comaskey


Exclusive articles:

You Can’t Be Serious – ‘She has a nose for these sort of things!’

Mrs Youcantbeserious is a remarkable woman. Those of you blessed to know her will confirm that we could write a column every week for...

You Can’t Be Serious – The difference between rules and regulations

The term ‘rules and regulations’ are pretty well always bandied together; but there is a big difference in how these two words are applied...

You Can’t Be Serious – ‘Which of you said that …?’

  Tom T Hall declares in one of his songs that ‘big preachers know a lot more than I do.’ Nonetheless, Tom T had his...

You Can’t Be Serious – In praise of multiple women!

  I am blessed to have more than one woman in my life – and this is leaving aside my precious daughter and beautiful granddaughters....

You Can’t Be Serious – ‘You are what you eat …’

There is something I am not quite getting here. Isn’t this Ireland - the emerald isle of green pastures, benign climate and fertile ground;...