Press Release
Our brilliant Council want to try to auction the three plots of land again. One being in Lomas de Cabo Roig for just under €4,000,000. A total of approximately €21,000.000 if all 3 plots are sold.
This council is already sitting on €20,000,000 from the sale of land last year and our Mayor, who cannot be trusted, pledged that money would be for the coast alone. Was he being deceitful again?
Now more than ever he should put that money to good use here on the Coast, support local businesses and struggling residents who have been laid off work.
Plus we estimate, soon there will be around 5,000 vacant properties for sale here on the coast.
There are an estimated 500 building applications in the pipeline for the coast and this brings Cala Mosca back into the conversation, the last piece of virgin costal land which was most probably sold in some strange deal where the coast was the loser again. The longer we can delay it then there’s a chance of stopping it.
If the auctions are successful whatever money is raised would that money be used for the coast or will the bank of Orihuela Costa be raided again and the money wasted on more pipe dreams of our illustrious mayor, who through his actions shows his dislike for Orihuela Costa. And our councillors are no different, which you can see by the way Orihuela Costa is decaying, apart from one small area and that’s Aguamarina.
Independence is the only way now for the coast, there is no other option as long as we are governed by a mayor and councillors who don’t understand us, we will always be viewed as no more than a golden goose for them, so it does look like the coast is for sale at any price

A Brief extract from an article below
“ORIHUELA. The Orihuela City Council opened the process yesterday to present again for the auction of three municipal plots, upwards.
It is the second time they have been put up for auction, given that the first one held in March was deserted because no promoter or individual buyer appeared”