- ‘How this health and political crisis is managed and resolved will set the precedent for the greatest of the pandemic crises that we still have to deliver to humanity, which is climatic change’.
By Andrew Atkinson
The mourning of over 20,000 coronavirus victims in Spain took place on April 19 – as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to sweep across the globe.
“In the wake of victims of COVID-19 we are facing a health, political, economic, social and confidence crisis,” said Los Montesinos, Alicante, Councillor for sports, equality, tourism, environment, development, employment and economic development Ana Belén Juárez Pastor.
Los Montesinos, a small Vega Baja hamlet town has 5,000 inhabitants, that have faced the stark challenge of the coronavirus lockdown – along with the rest of the world.
The Mayor Jose Butron has been personally delivering face masks, some made by volunteers, along with gloves this month on the back of the Ayunmiento de Los Montesinos spraying disinfection across the town.
“How important it is to provide greater authority to the scientific community – those who best know the strategy to follow in the face of COVID-19,” said Ana.
“In that the best investment is made in research and education, the need for a coalition of wills, the absence of global leadership that will lead us to a less democratic world, with more conflicts, more inequalities, more hatred, greater poverty of spirit and economy.”
Ana said: “In short, an ‘apocalyptic’ world.
“How this health and political crisis is managed and resolved will set the precedent for the greatest of the pandemic crises that we still have to deliver to humanity, which is climatic change.
“The scientific community has been warning us for decades – we always think that there are more priorities – we already have the consequences of breaking the balance of nature, Biodiversity.”
Ana believes that we are ‘all in this together’, saying: “I have the hope – and I appeal to all the people to contribute – each one from their position, to solve this crisis with criteria of solidarity and global co-operation.”