The mayor of Torrevieja, Jose Manuel Dolon, travelled to Alicante on Tuesday where at the Palace of the Provincial Council he signed the protocol of accession to the program ‘Municipalities with Mediterranean lifestyle.”
The program is an initiative from the Agency for Health that promotes a Mediterranean diet in the province to support disease prevention lines by adopting routines that are beneficial to the body.
The towns of Ibi, Denia, Elche and Torrevieja are the first to joining the project, which will encourage a lifestyle that will ensure the promotion of good practises and the implementation of health protection.
Dolon thanked the president of the Provincial Government, César Sánchez and the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Alicante, Juan Bautista Riera, for their confidence in choosing Torrevieja for this test and expressed the commitment of the current council to take on the challenge “with an issue that is so important as health”.
After recalling the origins of Torrevieja as a town of built around the salt and fishing industries, he referred to the peculiarities of Torrevieja, which, with more than 30% of its people over 65 years of age, and with citizens from almost every geographic location has a well – known culinary tradition.
He said that he will now submit this agreement for approval at the next plenary from which he “expects to have the support of all political groups.”