On the 14th and 15th April DEBRA are holding a MAR MENOR Charity Walk. There is no entry fee but each walker has a donation form to hopefully raise a minimum €50 each.
The charity is producing a Wall Chart featuring photos of The Walk and asking businesses to sponsor for a fee of only €50.We hope to produce 5 Wall Charts for 5 areas of the MAR MENOR.
There are currently over 50 walkers, including 3 who will do the whole 60kms in one day(see photo). This is a FUN WALK, so let’s hope Phil, Sheena and Ian will still be laughing at the end of their 60kms. Putting their best foot forward for The Butterfly Children could almost be a headline?
10 other walkers will do 60kms, but over 2 days, and the rest 5-25kms on the Sunday.
There is still room for more walkers, more business sponsors, and of course people willing to donate to this worthwhile charity. As they say at DEBRA, your help gives us wings.
More information: 659 751 611.
Reard the Charity guide here – DEBRA_The Butterfly Children Charity 2018