Everyone will be glad to see the back of this year and we hope that the 2021 calendar will herald fresh beginnings.
Now in its 16th Edition, once again this colourful calendar provides useful information about national and regional holidays and fiestas, cultural events, places to visit and useful telephone number – as well as U.K. and Irish Bank Holidays.
Thanks to the patronage of Alamo International, Aroca Seiquer lawyers, and Atlas Insurance Agency, MAPFRE Insurance, Currency Direct. The calendar is available FREE to several charities and organisations to raise funds for their projects, but because of the financial crisis there are no donations available as in past years.
![Calender 2021](https://www.theleader.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Calender-2021.jpg)
Principally they are available from the shops and centres of AGE CONCERN, HELP, AEEC , MAABS, AFACANCER, AFA ALZHEIMERS ASSOCATION, AIMEPP, ALPE, NUEVA FRATERNIDAD, CARITAS TORREVIEJA, ROYAL BRITISH LEGION, REACH OUT, as well as from groups in Orihuela Costa and la Marina (K9, CRUZ ROJA).
The calendar on average raises over 8.000 Euros for diverse needy causes each year and this will be the sixteenth calendar.
This year we have learned the importance of our frontline workers with so much flooding and COVID19. There is a second line. Made up of volunteers and associations that touch almost every aspect of our lives offering support in a variety of ways. Part of the aim of this calendar is for them to have calendars that can be used to generate donations, or be used as prizes.
This 2021 calendar is about the Costa Blanca; each month with colourful photos of Costa Blanca by Phil Friar. A feature this year includes black and white Photos and short text about Torrevieja’s history. So there’s almost 100 photos in the calendar.