Manchester United, one of the most famous and beloved football teams of all time. Numerous anthems and songs were dedicated to the team and they have not once become the inspiration. Manchester United are one of the main reasons why many people watch football at all. The team has been undetectable for some time, but as always the odds may not be in someone’s favor for a long time.

Talking about odds, it should be mentioned that this is definitely not the best period for Man United, and definitely not the season they have wished for. While the year almost came to an end and the season games are mostly played and have passed, Manchester United have nothing to be proud of this time.

While many circumstances have contributed and affected the gameplay and the success of the whole team, one thing remains the same for quite a while already, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, the main coach of the team. Unfortunately, this is not the case when the main actor plays the role of a good guy, but on the opposite.

Ole is perhaps one of the active coaches, who shall not last for a long time in his position, due to many reasons. The possible outcome and future of Solskjaer’s career do not seem bright at all either. Both players, trainers, and fans have come to the same conclusion and opinion.

The recent loss of the match in the Premier League is one of the biggest disappointments for everyone. While Manchester United have always been considered as one of the best playing teams on the field, this story seems to be coming to the end.

Worst practice – letting people down

We all agree that the start is definitely far from being good, or to be even satisfying. This might be the worst start to a campaign for seven years and leaves on the further of 15th place. The bad management of the team is something that turned out to be especially upsetting for Norwegian fans.

Having a Norwegian coach for one of the world’s leading football teams is undoubtedly a reason for being proud. Though, having the first Norwegian coach for the team, who managed to let everyone down is undoubtedly a reason for disappointment. This is not only what we see from the tribunes, but in numbers as well.

Betting on football matches is one of the most popular activities worldwide. This is when true forecasts and true performances of the teams can be checked. Bets can be placed on literally everything, and perhaps some might even initiate betting on the further length of Solskjaer’s career.

A number of Norwegian betting operators had their positions opened for the best. According to the statistics and results provided by betting sites in Norway, even Norwegian fans are losing loyalty and faith in their native coach. Obviously, this should not be indicating any good for Solskjaer.

No Man, No United

The pressure on the active coach of Manchester United, Ole Solskjaer is increasing time by time. The team experienced the last defeat, as Arsenal secured a 1-0 win at Old Trafford, last Sunday. This made already three defeats in the total six-match Premier League season. Just perhaps Ole will be discredited from his manager position sooner than we all think.

Norwegian coach has been training the team for already two years, and during this period, nothing has changed in his favor, nor have the players turned to his sides. According to the footballers as well as the judges, there is a major lack of enthusiasm, quality, and desire from Norwegian trainers. While one and two sentences might have been simple rumors, the results and numbers say it all.

Solskjaer could have become one of the best Norwegian coaches in the history of Manchester United, yet so far it only shows that he simply lost his change. Many things can be blamed on the ongoing pandemic and overall, hard period for everyone, though the massive negative feedback addressing him personally can not be the outcome of the sitting at home and wearing mask practice.

Red Devils’ capital Roy Keane is especially active in making comments and giving feedback to the current situation around the Man United team. He defines the situation as extremely undesired and highlighted the fact that Ole might leave his position very soon. Some of the major arguments against Ole include a lack of energy, enthusiasm, and a real lack of quality.

Keane mentioned that he is very concerned by these facts and sees the team being stuck in the corner, without any way out unless Ole improves his techniques and changes his attitude. Otherwise, perhaps the roads of Manchester United and Ole Solskjaer should separate from each other any time soon.

The odds have turned their back

This is a moment when it is really hard to turn the situation in favor of Manchester United. Many people, including coaches of different teams, find the current outcome very worrisome. As far as it seems, the attitude and the poor quality of Solskjaer’s methods and practices, have affected the overall vibe and gameplay of the team.

According to Keane, players did not show any of their strong sides either. “I looked at Marcus Rashford closely today. His body language was shocking. Shrugging his shoulders when things didn’t go his way? You roll your sleeves up when you play for Manchester United.” – said Keane. He also mentioned that the price to pay for the ultimate mistakes will be high unless the performance is changed radically towards the positive pole.

Actions need to be taken and changes need to be implemented. Otherwise, the career ladder for Solskjaer, at least in Manchester United seems to be quite short. It appears that people are running out of patience with Ole, who hasn’t been able to find any kind of consistency and stability since the very moment of him taking place in the Old Trafford dugout in December 2018.

Fans have also fixed their voices on changing the coach by none other than Steven Gerrard, who is the Liverpool legend, yet is in charge of Rangers at the very moment.

Many name the season as a make-or-break season for Ole. As for now, it is aligning more towards the broken part, yet there is time to change the outcome. While there is a reason to panic, staying calm, and patient always pays off as well. Who knows, maybe this is the major trick before the big win. Losing a battle does not necessarily mean losing a war.