The National Police have arrested four people who are members of a criminal organization responsible for transporting huge quantities of marijuana from Spain to the United Kingdom. The arrests took place in Orihuela Costa and Rojales where 114 kilos of marijuana were seized as it was being loaded onto a truck that the police said was being prepared for transportation to UK.

The detainees, of British and Polish nationality, between 36 and 40 years old, have been placed at the disposal of the Investigative Court in Orihuela.

The police were understood to have been tipped off by members of the public, as a result of the close relationship they have built with the neighbourhood and with local business associations.

They were warned about the suspicion raised by some members of the gang and their regular visits to an industrial estate in Ciudad Quesada

This resulted in the investigation of the location at a warehouse in Quesada that served as a logistics centre, and a home in Villamartín, where several members of the organisation resided.

During the course of the surveillance, a truck with Polish license plates was identified at the warehouse loading numerous pallets into its trailer at which point the agents surprised the men, seizing the merchandise and then searching the industrial warehouse. This led to them finding 114 vacuum-pressed packages of marijuana, hidden inside pellet containers.

The three people at the scene were immediately arrested, two of British origin and one Polish. There followed a search of the home in Villamartin where the members of the gang resided, where another individual was arrested, also of British origin, and a large amount of false documentation was seized, including details of current accounts in Spanish banks in the name of many false identities, together with a frequency jammer and 12 mobile phones.

The police operation concluded with the arrest of the four men as alleged perpetrators of the crimes of drug trafficking, document falsification and criminal group.