The new Holy Week House of Culture and Museum will cost 734,229.88 euros more than originally planned, with the plenary session of the Pilar de la Horadada Council giving its approval to the increase last week, despite the abstention of the Socialist.

The first two phases of the project were awarded in 2022 for a total amount of 6,605,947.30 team chaired by the mayor, José María Pérez, proposed ten modifications, followed by a further four in March of this year. According to the PSOE, the Council has also extended the execution period for the works.

Their spokesperson said that they did not vote against because, “we are not against the project, but we could not vote in favour and support the mismanagement of José María Pérez and his team either.”

He said that his party fears that these are not the only modifications to the project, taking into account that phase II remains to be executed, which will house the auditorium and conservatory buildings, whose works on the adjacent site have still not begun.

Meanwhile, the Councillor of Culture, Darío Quesada, reminded the PSOE that there has been a global price crisis which has created many problems and price increases for public works.”

He said that “The Cultural Centre and the Holy Week Museum will be a reality in a few months and the entire town of Pilar de la Horadada will be able to enjoy it as it deserves.”