The Orihuela Council is immersed in the process of renewing a large number of its employment pools. One of them was a rubbish truck driver, then cleaners and now it is the turn of the Civil Protection assistants.

The rules have just been published, but a Ciudadanos former councillor for Human Resources, Luisa Boné, denounces it as an alleged “eagerness to collect money” on the part of the government team.

Boné points out that the Council already has a pool of such applicants, which has been in force since May 25, 2022, and with 22 members, of which only three are currently providing services.

“We do not understand the reasons for this new process beyond the fact that it seems that there is a desire to collect application fees. This new process harms the interests of the members of those people who are currently registered, which is relatively new, who paid their fee and passed all the tests. As a general rule, the new list of applicants will supersede the previous one.

“We believe that this selection process is irregular. The Council wants to hire personnel who have qualifications higher than the positions that are being created and that it intends to fill them by paying lower salaries with respect to those qualifications. We all know that this represents unjust enrichment on the part of the Administration,” said Ms Boné.