Dear friends and neighbours of the municipality of Orihuela, we at PIOC extend a hand of friendship to you all, we are not your enemy, in fact it is the government of Orihuela, the present and past.
Even though we strive for eventual Independence, we believe in equality for all and that it is necessary and important that we work with our friends and neighbours.
What we have previously seen, is that the people who manage our council are selfish. Instead of thinking of how they can best serve the general interests of everyone in the municipality, they are in fact busy serving their own general interests.
We are an independent party made up of all nationalities and genders.
We believe that budgets should be distributed fairly throughout the municipality, not to the minority, with respect and dignity for all.
We ask what our elected representatives are doing, are paid to do, but are not?
They are certainly not working for the majority of residents.
Christmas lights for only 2 of the 24 Pedanias, with expenditure on Three Kings Parades cut back everywhere, apart for Orihuela City.
The PIOC approach is to create policies that suit not just Orihuela Costa but also our neighbours and our visitors. The residents of the municipality of Orihuela are tired of the many years of their indifference to the coast.
Equality delayed is equality denied.
The PP and VOX government in the Valencian Community and the municipality of Orihuela is now showing itself for what it is: incompetent and languid, but what is worse, is that they seem not to care, as they continue to largely discount the 30,000 people that live on the coast.
So this is a call to arms for every resident of the municipality whoever you are, to unite and defend our rights at the ballot box in the next local elections.
All power is a trust; that we are accountable for its exercise; that from the people and for the people all springs, and all must exist.
Your vote is your power! A vote not cast is a vote wasted!