The Ayuntamiento de Orihuela has at long last approved the Budget for 2024.
This is “a very important day for Orihuela after 5 years with deferred budgets. Since 2018 we have found ourselves with inferior services without contracts, delays in payments, lack of investment and insufficient internal structure,” said the Mayor, Pepe Vegara.
Orihuela Town Council’s budget for the financial year 2024 amounts to 140,534,089.19 euros, both in income and expenditure, compared to the 80,384,314.99 euros that it has been working with since 2018.
This represents an increase in both income and expenditure of 60,149,774.20 euros and a percentage increase of 74.83%.
The largest amount in this variation is due to the amount of Real Investments budgeted for this financial year 2024, for a total amount of 40,933,211.67 euros.

Some of the key points that this new budget will embrace:
1.- Current expenditure and transfers: Despite the limitations in the growth of income, special attention has been paid to updating and meeting outstanding obligations, as well as renewing contracts for essential services. Priority is given to ensuring the provision of basic services and support for economic and social activity.
2.- Focus on investment: A significant amount is earmarked for investments in infrastructure, development throughout the municipality, heritage conservation and major projects. To finance these necessary investments, it is planned to resort to external financing, mainly through bank loans, but always within the limits set by law.
3.- Attention to social needs: The commitment to support the most vulnerable sectors and promote decent employment as a way to economic and social recovery is maintained. It reflects a focus on improving the quality of life of all citizens. In this sense, it is very much a social budget, as compared to 2018 the increase in social spending is 71%.
Organisational restructuring: The budget recognises the need for internal restructuring to improve the efficiency and responsiveness of the City Council. This will involve a joint effort by politicians and civil servants to optimise resources and improve administrative functioning while improving their conditions as permitted by law.
5.- Investment in various areas: Budget items are detailed for areas such as public safety, urban cleaning, health, education, rural development, employment… The aim is to improve the quality of services and infrastructure throughout the whole of the municipality.
The mayor also announced the urgent actions that will begin to be undertaken just as soon as the budgets come into force, highlighting the Oriol Occupational Centre “the number 1 priority.
The sensitivity of this council has been demonstrated with this particular issue with facts and actions, culminating in allocating 1,983,974 euros for this action,” explained Vegara. He also highlighted, as a priority, the footbridge over the AP-7 in Lomas de Cabo Roig with 1,370,000 euros and the drinking water storage tank on the coast, costing 2,800,000 euros.

Vegara pointed out that the preparation of these municipal budgets has been an arduous process which has required a great deal of effort. “It is time to put aside political discrepancies, egos and personalities. As mayor of Orihuela I hope that all political groups are up to the task and support these budgets.
The deputy mayor, Manuel Mestre, said that “Orihuela did not deserve what was happening. The approval of these budgets demonstrates a solid commitment to responsible financial management and the efficient running of local government”.
He went on to emphasise that the Governing Board has demonstrated a capacity for sacrifice, political responsibility and commitment, where, without doubt, constructive dialogue has prevailed over partisan interests.
The Extraordinary Plenary Session for the approval of the 2024 budget is now scheduled to be held on 15 April.