The three opposition groups (PSOE, Cambiemos and Ciudadanos) appeared before the press on Monday to jointly announce that they have presented a motion to censure the management of the Department of Culture and Tourism by the councillor Gonzalo Montoya (VOX), during the last nine months.
Councillors Aynara Navarro (PSOE), Mar Ezcurra (C’s) and Leticia Pertegal (Cambiemos Orihuela) said that his management represents “the worst that Orihuela has known,” since it has lost, largely by his incompetence, events as important as las noches de las Ánimas, Noche Bling and la Escuela Municipal de Teatro.
In addition, they highlighted two particularly disgraceful episodes: the loss of the Miguel Hernández Foundation grant for the International Poetry Prize and the intimidation that he carried out on another councillor.
It should be noted that this is the second censure of this government by the opposition, and it will be debated in the municipal plenary.
According to the PSOE councillor, Aynara Navarro, “this motion is nothing more than the chronicle of impending doom. Since Montoya took over the department of culture, his management and, therefore, culture in Orihuela, has ceased to exist in our municipality. We don’t know if it is due to his own will or his sheer incompetence, Orihuela has lost countless activities,” she added.
The three opposition spokeswomen concluded in stating that, “we must not lose sight of the consent, insensibility and complicit silence of the Mayor, Mr. Vegara, in the face of this situation of inactivity, bad management and deterioration in the activities. He has still been unable to ask the councillor of culture to leave his chair, so it is the opposition that now has to take responsibility to reprimand the councillor.”