According to a press release from the Los Verdes Compromís group in Torrevieja, the chaotic and deficient management of the PP can be seen anywhere in Torrevieja.
Echoing the words often told when we have covered stories outside the centre of the town, they say that it is enough to take a walk through the neighbourhoods and urbanisations of the municipality to verify that, except for the urban centre, abandonment and apathy are rampant, showing an inappropriate for a municipality that defines itself as a tourist municipality and that now, precisely, sells at the FITUR tourism fair in Madrid the benefits of its tourist and vacation offer, all while in some of its streets and squares it maintains a tatty and vulgar, more typical of a marginal neighbourhood than a large city in the 60s of the last century.
A burnt-out vehicle has sat for thirty days in a well-known urbanisation in Torrevieja, precisely on the access street along the CV 95 highway from Orihuela to Coronelita – Sector 27, next to the most central of its green areas, just 100 metres from the park, a children’s playground that municipal services fixed a few days ago, where they have removed the fence that protected it, provided sand soil, shaded space and other elements. And yet, despite that activity, no one from the council noticed the burned vehicle, not the municipal staff, not the Local Police, much less the councillors and the large entourage of trusted and connected people.
No one in the Torrevieja City Council is interested in the fact that a van destroyed by fire spoils the image of a high-end urbanisation, where dozens of people already reside and apartments are built and promoted, as well as homes that the mayor himself has had the opportunity to present with great fanfare along with some of the investors. The great contradiction of the management of the Partido Popular of Torrevieja, large projects that are then not preserved or maintained, abandoned to their fate.
The Los Verdes – Compromís de Torrevieja demand the urgent removal of that burned vehicle from the streets of the Coronelita Urbanisation and that an action be undertaken to clean up the green area that is in the vicinity, that all the weeds and garbage be removed accumulated, the existing vegetation must be pruned and cleaned and the underground garbage container that has disappeared must be replaced, or at least the holes that are exposed and that generate a safety risk must be covered.
On this occasion, the municipal political group has focussed their attention on a single incident on a single street, but as they clearly say at the start of their press release, take a walk through any neighbourhood outside the urban centre, and it is clear to see that the image of Torrevieja is considerably far reaching from that which is presented to investors and visitors at events such as FITUR.