Galgos del Sol (GDS) is an animal welfare charity located in San Javier, near the Mar Menor coast. Its mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome Galgos and Podencos, which are used for hunting purposes and not typically regarded as suitable pets. Unfortunately, these dogs are exempt from the animal protection laws that apply to domestic animals. Consequently, when they are no longer deemed useful, they are often discarded or in some even worse cases, subjected to inhumane methods of disposal, including drowning, beating, dumping in trash, tossing into wells, or wrapping their paws in plastic bags to suffocate them. There is a belief among some people who engage in these acts that the more extreme the torture inflicted on the dog, the better their next hunting dog will be, as it will supposedly be faster, leaner, and possess a stronger prey drive.
Dogs that manage to escape torture or those that are simply abandoned find themselves wandering the streets of local villages in search of food, water, and safety. Unfortunately, they often end up being injured or killed by cars while wandering onto busy roads in search of sustenance or a place to rest. Many of these animals are subsequently dumped into overcrowded and underfunded municipal dog pounds, where disease is rampant and their chances of survival are slim.
Since its establishment 14 years ago by president Tina Solera, Galgos del Sol has rescued thousands of dogs from these dog pounds, as well as from the streets of Murcia and the surrounding provinces. The rescued dogs come in various physical conditions, with many suffering from serious injuries, such as head trauma, broken or missing limbs from being hit by cars or beaten. Additionally, they are typically severely underweight and malnourished, some with untreated sores caused by advanced stages of leishmania or other untreated illnesses.
Once a dog is taken in by Galgos del Sol, their new life begins. They undergo a thorough medical examination and receive the necessary treatments. After being neutered and receiving medical clearance, the dogs get to enjoy their new environment. They socialize with other dogs and have playtime in exercise yards at least twice a day. The dedicated team of staff and volunteers at Galgos del Sol ensures that the dogs’ kennels are clean and comfortable, providing a cozy place for them to rest and sleep. Volunteers play a crucial role in taking as many dogs as possible out of the kennels for sensory walks. This step is vital in the rehabilitation process, as many of these dogs have never experienced love or kindness and may have trust or anxiety issues. Attention is given to help the dogs gradually build confidence, preparing them for adoption.
Galgos del Sol currently houses over 300 dogs. Whenever dogs are adopted and leave, there are more dogs waiting to take their place in the kennels. The facility itself is designed to be a sanctuary, with gardens for quiet times and exercise areas for stimulation. The site has four parks, an agility play area, a sensory garden, a veterinary clinic, a rehabilitation pool, and an on-site classroom for middle school age education projects.
GDS firmly believes in educating the next generation in the hopes that they will end the endemic cruelty. Local schools are invited to the center for instruction on animal respect, care, and the purpose of the GDS center. In addition to a guided tour, students participate in a “sensory walk” with one of our furry residents to experience life as a GDS galgo. There is also classroom time to learn about how the dogs are treated in Spain and what can be done to help change that. Education is crucial in ending the slaughter of these incredible dogs.
Thanks to our proactive social media program, we are able to spread awareness globally. This focus attracts donations and a waiting list of applications for our robust on-site volunteer program. The weekly cycles of volunteers provide our dogs with plenty of attention and socialization. Internet fundraisers and our dog sponsorship program greatly assist with our monthly expenses. Specific fundraising efforts are often underway for dogs requiring costly medical procedures or to help financially in rescuing a large number of dogs from a perrera. These dogs all need vaccinations, medical evaluations, and possibly surgeries.
Our motto is ‘From Street Life to Sweet Life.’ The ultimate goal for the GDS dogs is to find a loving home, something they have never known. Our international adoption program is continually growing, but it is very complicated due to each country’s dog health regulations. We have teams of volunteers working tirelessly in the UK, USA, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, and Italy to ensure that our dogs safely make it from the GDS kennels to their new families. The vetting process for Spanish homes is just as rigorous as for international homes. We hope that more and more dogs will be adopted in Spain, reducing the number of dogs leaving the country. These dogs are national treasures and should be valued instead of discarded.
On February 1st, the hunting season ends and is known as Dia del Galgo, a day recognized internationally as a time when many dogs lose their lives. Hunters abandon their dogs that are no longer needed. GDS is already receiving numerous sightings of Galgos and Podencos living on the streets. The perreras are filling up with shocking numbers of dogs. It is estimated that up to 100,000 galgos and podencos are abandoned each year.
What kind of help does GDS need? There are many ways you can assist, and we at GDS – both dogs and people – are incredibly grateful for any help we can get. Why not consider adopting? And if you’re unable to adopt, why not volunteer to walk dogs? And if volunteering isn’t feasible, why not make a donation? And if making a donation isn’t possible, why not share our story? And if sharing our story isn’t an option, why not at least follow us on social media? Together, we can help these dogs go from ‘From Street Life to Sweet Life.’