Although the celebrations began earlier in November, this weekend is when the patron saint festivities in honour of the Purísima Concepción 2023 really begin in Torrevieja.
The plaza stage in the main square will once again be one of the busiest spaces. On December 1, the Patron Saint Festival lighting party will take place, followed by a performance by the “Etiqueta Show” orchestra and a DJ. Also, this year you can enjoy free concerts such as the one that will take place on December 5, at 9:00 p.m., by “Super Hits” or the tribute “El Canto del Loco”, which will be on December 9, at 9:00 p.m.

The big concerts return to the “Tavi y Carmona” Sports Palace, with “Arde Bogotá” on December 5, which will begin at 9:00 p.m. with an opening performance of “Diagnosis Binario.” On December 7, starting at 10:00 p.m., the centre court will vibrate to the sound of “Camela.” “Mocedades y Los Panchos” will close the series of concerts for the Patron Saint Festivities, performing on the stages of the Municipal Theatre on Saturday, December 9, at 8:00 p.m.
On December 3, starting at 9:30 a.m., the party will begin in the Acequión “Diversequión” neighbourhood, with the collaboration of the neighbourhood group headed by Felix Martín. Framed in this celebration, the traditional “Bisiquión” Cycle Tour will take place, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Registration to participate will consist of 1 litre of milk, to benefit Solidarity Foods, thus helping the local NGO after the public call they have made.
Regarding the events programmed especially for children, Rosario Martínez, the councillor responsible for organising the events, has indicated that “they are designed to be enjoyed as a family.” In this sense, she has highlighted the musical “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, with Daniel Diges as the protagonist. It will consist of three sessions at 5:30 p.m. on December 1 and 3, and one session at 7:00 p.m. on December 2.
As for the traditional events of these long-awaited festivities in honour of La Purísima, it is worth noting that the first outing of the “Charamita” with Lyly and her troupe of giants and bigheads accompanied by the dulzaina and the drum, which will be on 1 December, at 5:30 p.m., from the Old Town Hall. In total, the “Charamita” will take place 12 times and among them are the Night Out, on Saturday, December 2, the “Noche Golfa”, on day 1 and the “Charamita Inclusiva”, for children and young people with functional diversity, on Saturday, December 3 in the Plaza de Miguel Hernández, at 12:00 p.m. The “Charamita” will make two trips without a tour to the AFA centre and the “ALPE” special education centre.
The Floral Offering to La Purísima will be celebrated on Saturday, December 2, from the Plaza de Oriente and around the Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, preceded by the now usual Entrance of Music Bands. The Festival Councillor has called on all local associations and groups of all kinds to participate in this massive display of Torrevieja society. Also on this day, the inauguration of the Municipal Nativity Scene will take place, which this year has a large tent, in addition to having new figures and a special design with several allegories of the Torrevieja of the past. This commitment is motivated by expanding the tourist offer that the city already offers on these festive and crowded dates.
On the other hand, Martínez Chazarra highlighted the celebration of the long-awaited Paella Contest in the Antonio Soria Park. After the organisational success of last year, the mayor has highlighted the great collaboration of all attendees by announcing that a device very similar to the previous one has been designed for this edition. Of course, he has indicated that more than 350 plots will be available.
On December 8, the day of La Purísima, the day will begin with the traditional Diana, which will leave from the doors of the Town Hall at 7:00 a.m., and the always-awaited fireworks display will be set off during the procession of the patron saint through the streets of the city.
The president of Hijos de la Inmaculada, Antonio Aniorte, has highlighted on Friday, December 1, a Vigil will be held in honour of La Purísima.
The parish priest, José Antonio Gea, has issued an invitation to the entire population to “live these festivities in peace and joy, with the Immaculate Conception as the centre of all celebrations,” and which will be the first that the priest will experience as parish priest of the Immaculate Conception.
The councillor, for her part, wanted to highlight the work behind this programming, a collaboration between the different councillors, and she hopes it will be a success as it has been in recent years.