The Orihuela Department of Urban Solid Waste and Street Cleaning will allocate 2,555,000 euros of credit from liquid treasury remnants to alleviate the major deficiencies in garbage collection and street cleaning in Orihuela, the renewal and improvement of the service.

This represents the largest investment made in this area since direct management was agreed in 2012.

The proposal will be submitted for opinion on Monday, to the Information Commission and raised for debate and a vote at the next Ordinary Plenary Session on September 28. The councillor, Rocío Ortuño, said that she is hoping for a unanimous vote from all political groups.

Ortuño stated that the municipality has been suffering from a significant lack of machinery, containers and personnel for eleven years.

The garbage collection and street cleaning service has major deficiencies that do not allow it to operate properly. A great deal of equipment and many containers are missing, or obsolete, and there has been a lack of staff employed in the area for eleven years .

“Cleaning up Orihuela is the commitment of this government. We have already brought almost 7 million euros in credit modifications to the plenary sessions during July and August to meet the payment of unpaid invoices, and a provision for anticipated expenses until the end of the year,” she explained.

This means putting in order the obligations we have in this area. “We are talking about a necessary investment demanded by the residents of Orihuela and, especially, by the municipal staff who are determined to improve the quality and safety in the development of their work.”

Ortuño also pointed out the improvement that it will mean environmentally because it is a financially sustainable investment.


The councillor stated that 6 collection trucks will be acquired, adding to the 19 that are currently in use; In addition, there will be six 3,500 kg open box dump trucks for the collection of belongings and bulk rubbish that is needed, especially on the coast.

The department estimates that with this tender, close to 2,000 side and rear loading containers can be purchased, for which 800,000 euros will be allocated. “In this way we will be able to renew half of of those in use, since we currently have 3,800 containers, which will mean an important reinforcement, especially in the coastal area.”

The council has also announced the acquisition of a hydro cleaner since the one currently providing the service, especially in the urban area, is over 25 years old, and is at the end of its useful life. 80,000 euros will be allocated to its purchase.

Ortuño confirmed that 55,000 euros will be made available for new electric blowers in addition to those already in use.

The investment announced for the Coastal Work Centre is also included in the Local Waste Plan that “we will soon take to Plenary Session. Orihuela needs quality service. “We are looking for the best formula and this is a great step forward in achieving that.”