As an artist, Neil Davies has had many worthwhile commissions over the years, but few have been as worthwhile as a Sporting Mural in El Galan’s ‘Tipsy Toad Family Bar’ where he was given the task of covering a blank wall with a feature of sporting crests.

What made it especially meaningful was the sale of the badges and logos to local clientele and holidaymakers, which raised 1500 euros for the Orihuela Children’s home.

There is a call by emergency doctors who are warning of the increase in serious injuries due to the use of electric scooters, for government legislation regarding their use. They say that hospitals are now treating more serious head injuries from the use of scooters than from any other vehicle.

We also feature an article on the worsening situation with potholes on Orihuela Costa roads where, despite a multitude of promises to fix them by all parties in the run up to the Municipal Elections, we are unlikely to see progress anytime soon.