El Partido de las Nacionalidades has the key to the governance of San Fulgencio (9,000 residents) following last Sunday’s Municipal elections.
Its president and councillor Charo Mejías has confirmed that both the PSOE, which governed in coalition with C’s during the last term, and the PP have approached the independents with a view to opening negotiations. The PSOE achieved 6 councillors, equalling its result in 2019, the PP 5 (+2) and the PIPN 2 (-1).
Mejías said that he has his own preferences but qualifies that in the party, created four municipal terms ago by international residents, but now with much greater diversity, there are sympathizers from both the left and right, whilst affirming that the objective of the PIPN is local: providing the guarantee of quality municipal public services.
The political position of the PIPN, which, except for a period of four years, has always been in the opposition, has been forceful with regards to it’s oversight of the work of the council during all this time, under the management of both the PP and the PSOE .
Mejías believes a PSOE- PP pact is highly unlikely but he said that the PSOE could govern alone as the most voted party. However, he warns that the PSOE would never have guaranteed support for its management by the PIPN adding that the solution involves much more negotiation.