The socialist candidate has introduced the rest of the people who make up the electoral list, and she has shown her pride for being accompanied by all the profiles that make up the candidacy socialist. “For me, generating the best team was vital and without a doubt, we have a list made up of people with great knowledge, with proven ability and with a great enthusiasm for working for Torrevieja,” the socialist candidate pointed out.
David Villanueva is the person who follows Bárbara Soler on the electoral list of the PSOE of Torrevieja. He has a degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Alicante, and has a teaching certification from the Miguel Hernández University. For twenty years, he has worked in a Torrevieja company as an assistant manager, performing accounting, management and administration tasks. He has previously worked in other areas such as tax, labour and accounting advice, or as head of lifeguards in a water park to finance his university studies. In his student days, he was also founder and president of the association of university students of Guardamar and Torrevieja (ADEUGT), obtaining subsidies for users of the bus to the university. He considers himself a hardworking and honest person and he believes that “politics cannot be a show of insults and snubs, as some we are used to. The citizens of Torrevieja deserve something better.” He is a resident in Torreta II, an area forgotten by the local administration, and one of his objectives is to “prevent the current situation, in which there are entire neighbourhoods where politicians only go every four years to announce projects that they are not are going to execute throughout the legislature, and to ask for people’s vote.” For the PSOE, it is essential for each area to have the necessary services, such as sports areas, local police or an administrative office. He is married and has a nine-year-old son. In his free time, he likes to play sports, especially road and mountain biking, motorcycle outings and going for a walk in the countryside. David has been a PSOE militant for more than two decades and has been part of the internal structures of this party both locally and regionally. “In the last twenty years, Torrevieja has missed many opportunities. The different governments have not been able to use the full potential of our city to improve the quality of life of those of us who are living here. But now, from the PSOE we are going to do it.”
Jessica Barcelona is part of the socialist candidacy with position number 12. She is a personal and high performance trainer, she also has a master’s degree in sports nutrition, her day to day revolves around sports, physical and mental health and well-being. She did the upper module of photography at the School of Arts and Crafts from Orihuela. Since she was very young, she has worked in our city in the service sector, so she knows the problems of temporality and job insecurity, that are often associated with this sector because of the lack of diversity. On several occasions she had to emigrate to other places in Spain for work reasons. “I would like no young person to go through the precarious and uncertain situations that I have been through.” Since she started five years ago as a personal trainer in the world of fitness, she is fully aware that “in Torrevieja we have great athletes and that has to be known both here in our city, and outside. Betting on a quality and diverse sport is essential for it to reach everyone.” Her three passions are art, sports and nature and Torrevieja has all of them. “Our city is a rough diamond that must be polished very carefully so that it does not break and lose its great value, and Barbara Soler is the right person to lead this work.”
Jorge Iván Osorio Farfán is married, has a son and a daughter. He moved to Torrevieja six years ago and he currently works for a transportation company. “Torrevieja welcomed me with open arms, and I am delighted to live in this wonderful city.” He is a social communicator from the Cooperative University of Colombia, and has a higher technical degree in occupational risk prevention. He arrived in Spain in 2003 to work in hospitality. He has been a “UGT” union delegate and has carried out his work in the areas of prevention of occupational and immigration risks, offering advice to all people coming from other places in the world. He believes that there is a huge need for “a policy that takes into account the people who come from outside. We Latin Americans feel at home in Spain, and we know that we can contribute so much to the culture of Torrevieja, and with Bárbara Soler, we are going to do it.”
Joaquín “Quino” Cos Córcoles, candidate number 20 on the PSOE list, is a Telecommunications Engineer from the Miguel Hernández University and PhD in Electronic Engineering from the Rovira i Virgili University (Tarragona). During his doctorate, he did a three-month research stay at the Dipartimento di Physics “Alessandro Volta” from the Università degli Studi di Pavia (Italy). He developed the first part of his Professional career in the R&D department of a Spanish aeronautical company. Later on, he led his steps into the field of education, where he is currently a professor of Mathematics at a local high school. He is aware that “in addition to advancing in the construction and remodelling of schools through the Edificant plan, a priority for the next City Council should be to demolish the roundabout at the gates of IES Las Lagunas, since its accident rate poses a danger for the educational community.” Quino speaks English and is aware of the cultural richness that the arrival of people from all over the world represents for Torrevieja. He inherits the tradition and socialist values from his parents, Joaquín Cos Delgado and Roge Córcoles, as well as his passion for politics; he has been a militant in the Socialist Party since 2008, and he has been part of the last two local PSOE executives. “At home, I have always been taught that the politician must serve the people, not make use of them.” He is a member of the Federal Group Christian Socialist within PSOE, since he considers and defends that socialism and his religious beliefs are totally compatible, likewise he is a “costalero” of the Brotherhood of Jesus Triumphant and Our Lady of Hope, and treasurer of the Brotherhood of “El Santísimo”. Quino is passionate about Torrevieja and, above all, of its beaches, where he likes to go whenever he can with his wife and his daughter. “I want a City Hall that do everything possible so that our sons and daughters have the best possible schools.” In addition to living his teaching profession as one of his passions, he also enjoys choral singing, having belonged to various choirs throughout his life. “I believe in a Torrevieja for everyone, not just for a few privileged ones, where real and effective policies replace empty propaganda acts. That’s why, when Barbara offered me to be part of her team, I didn’t hesitate for a moment to say yes, because I am convinced that with her, and the team that we have formed, we can achieve that the City Council of Torrevieja works to be more inclusive and efficiently solve our problems.”