A popular sight, Pride of Madeira – Echium candicans – is perfect for adding a touch of drama to your garden!
As with all echiums, its flowers are rich in nectar and pollen, well known for attracting bees, butterflies, moths, and other pollinators into your garden.
They are a short lived perennial, typically grown as a biennial, with tall spikes of intense blue blooms, borne on strong branching stems, blooming from April through to August.
In mild regions, it can grow into a small tree, that will readily self seed, or you can take cuttings.
Sow seeds in May, through to July, or plant out cuttings April and May. They grow best in well-draining soil in a sheltered site, that has full sun.
Take care when handling, as the sap can cause skin irritation and is toxic to cats and dogs.