As part of their election campaign to support and promote equality, the Los Verdes in Torrevieja held a meeting with Diversa, the first LGTBIQ + association in the town, with the hope of exchanging ideas and proposals with its representatives, María Cruz, Jaume and Alejandro, to help advocate equality, diversity and visibility of all groups.

During the meeting, the political representatives saw the enthusiasm of how their plans would help integration in Torrevieja, examples such as the creation of a Specialised Unit to help victims of hate crimes, carrying out sexual diversity campaigns in educational centres, and the creation of spaces for information, advice and support for LGTBIQ + people and their families.

According to the Los Verdes, these demands are fundamental to achieve a Torrevieja adapted to the needs and concerns of all citizens, and so they conclude that all these initiatives will be a key part of their work to ensure they become a reality.