As the roads are stating to get a little busier in the pre-Easter rush, it´s worth taking note that allowing extra time for your journey is the only solution to arriving at a destination on time, and not driving faster to get there.

The roads of Spain are protected by a network of cameras and electronic devices, some in fixed locations, others which are mobile and can be deployed in a matter of minutes, and so, for those who choose not to abide by the law, the chances of getting caught are increasing all the time.

Fixed cameras

Fixed speed cameras are the most numerous, with over 1,400 in operation according to the latest date from the DGT. They are normally installed on gantries (next to variable information signs) or on the side of the road. The good news is that drivers are warned about the location of these cameras by any means possible.

There will be signs on the approach, and a list is published on the DGT website. Plus, mapping apps for your mobile phone are allowed to warn of the presence of this type of camera. The reason, quite simply, is because these cameras are installed in areas prone to incidents, and so are designed to act more as a deterrent than enforcement. To slow cars down in dangerous locations.

The more modern cameras also monitor for other offences such as seat belt use, mobile phones, and can monitor traffic in both directions.

Mobile devices

There are a number of different mobile devices available to those policing the roads, such as the Velolaser portable radar equipment which can be installed on a tripod of affixed to the guardrail, amongst other places, and other devices that operate from within the vehicles monitoring traffic, such as Guardia Civil cars, some of which are unmarked, and now includes, as has been the case for around a year now, camouflaged vans.

There are also helicopters, many fitted with the Pegasus equipment, and drones now in use for monitoring and enforcing traffic law.

No warning is given over the presence of these devices and the ownership of radar detectors is illegal in Spain.

Section cameras

Section cameras are similar to fixed cameras, but rather than recording speed at a single point, they record the vehicle entering a zone, the “section”, and again leaving the area, calculating the average speed of the vehicle between both points by comparing the timestamp issued on the entry and exit to the section, and if the vehicle didn´t take as long as expected, then it was clearly exceeding the speed limit at some point.


Speeding fines are generally considered administrative offences and will result in a fine of between 100 and 600 euro, with discounts for prompt payment. Drivers with a foreign licence do not qualify for discounts and will have to pay the fine on the spot to the traffic officer.

Speeding Fines in Spain