CARTAGENA City Council and the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia are aiming to make the Port a world leader in trades, as we head into 2023.
Currently, due to the port infrastructure, 92% of the ships in the fleet of the 20 largest shipping companies in the world cannot access it.
Now the Port of Cartagena are planning a new intermodal logistics hub in the Mediterranean for economic reactivation.
New infrastructures, maintenance and expansion of existing ones, innovation in products and services, are to be discussed at the meeting.
The ‘Barlomar, new logistics hub of the Mediterranean’ plan, will analyse the present and the future of the project, with an infrastructure of 58 hectares – and an investment of €822 million, generating 10,000 jobs in becoming one of the most modern and sustainable terminals in the world.
58 hectares would be reclaimed from the sea with plans for a 2-hectare docking area for the offshore industry, with plans for a 1,420 metre-quay and two new quays, with a depth of 34 metres.
The new infrastructures will increase the number of ships bound for the port with an additional 518 annually, representing an increase of 23.5%.
The storage capacity will be up to 180,000 cubic metres of grain with a railway connection planned.
The president of the Cartagena Port Authority, Yolanda Muñoz said: “The new terminal will multiply the current capacity of the Santa Lucía wharf by 10, connecting the Mediterranean Corridor with maritime transport lines with the Activities area Logistics of Cartagena”.
If the ambitious plan comes to fruition the Region of Murcia will become the gateway to and from Europe.
“These services, based on innovation and sustainability, will make us a logistics hub that will allow us to be more agile and quicker in our connections with the rest of the world,” said president of Cartagena Port Authority, Yolanda Muñoz.