What was a gem of an idea one sunny afternoon at a neighbour’s BBQ, became reality on 4 December 2004, when Lyn Baines and Anthea Prentice formed Spangles Harmony Chorus.
“We had sung together in a barbershop chorus in Poole, Dorset before we settled here in Murcia; we both missed the fun of camaraderie and ringing chords and asked ourselves why we shouldn’t do it here? There was no reason why not and we decided to start our own chorus” says Lyn. Since then, Spangles has never looked back, winning three gold medals, and singing not only throughout Spain, but also in Ireland, the UK and Portugal.
Spangles is always recruiting new members. If you love singing, but are unsure about your abilities, they are very excited to be having an Open Event on 26 January for you to give it a try! Be brave! We all know it’s a daunting prospect to walk through the door of a rehearsal room, not knowing anyone and maybe not having sung for many years. We have all been there and we will admire those who are brave enough to take the big step!
Kate Purdom, who recently did just that, explains what it was like:
“I have always loved singing, but never had the confidence to do it in public; that was until I moved to Spain 15 years ago and I was called up to sing Karaoke. After that I was hooked! Fast forward to today and I am now a wife and mother to a 10-year-old who was born with congenital heart defects and Down’s syndrome.
Though firmly settled in Spain I was feeling lonely and needed to do something for myself. When I saw the Grinch Christmas poster for Spangles, I knew this was something which could uplift me. I contacted Lyn and she encouraged me to come to their first rehearsal after Summer break.
As soon as I walked in, I was made welcome. Since September I have felt like I belong. The ladies welcomed me with open arms and embolden me with their positivity and support. We are not just singing together but making friends too.”
Spangles’ Open Event will run from 10.30 to 13.00 at Las Claras, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares on Thursday, 26 January and all ladies, young or older, are welcome to join them. If you’d like more information, please email Lyn: info@spangleschorus.com
Spangles is a ladies’ a cappella chorus, singing in four part harmony. They rehearse every Thursday, from 10.30 am to 1.00 pm at Centro Municipal Las Claras, Calle Helena, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares and visitors are always welcome.
If you’d like to book the chorus for an event or you are thinking about joining them, you can find out more on their website: www.spangleschorus.com or email info@spangleschorus.com