A number of new Spanish road signs are being added to the official catalogue, which will gradually be rolled out across the road network in Spain in 2023.
The new traffic signs are expected to reach the traffic regulations in mid-2023, with the entry into force of a royal decree that has been prepared by the Ministries of Transport and Interior and the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT).
Fortunately, the new signs are graphic depictions of what they represent, so their intention and warning should be fairly clear to everyone who sees them, but we will still tell you what each of the new road signs depicts.
Some of the signs have just been updated, such as replacing a steam locomotive on the sign warning of the proximity of a level crossing without barriers, which will have a high-speed locomotive facing the driver. It is also intended to modernise some of the pictograms and eliminate “gender connotations”.
The signal before a pedestrian crossing will also be different, like the ‘stop’ signal, with new measurements and shapes for its letters, as well as a new sign warning of the possibility of wild boars crossing the road.
In the same way, the new mobility (and the risks and regulations that it entails) releases its own graphics: for example, the sign that expressly prohibits the passage of electric scooters is born.
The draft of the royal decree is already written, but its arrival in Congress, the possibility of amendments, the approval of the Senate and the return to the general courts are ahead.
So, at this stage, they still remain as proposals, rather than definitive, but let us look at the new road signs we will expect to see in 2023, with their descriptions below each, along with their Official Catalogue of Road Signs reference.

P‐8. Danger due to the proximity of a level crossing not provided with barriers or semi-barriers.

P‐20a. Danger due to the proximity of one or more pedestrian crossings.

P‐21a. Danger due to the proximity of a place frequented by children, such as a school, a playground, etc.

P‐21b. Danger due to the proximity of a place frequented by the elderly, such as a centre dedicated to the elderly, a residence, etc.

P‐22a. Danger due to the proximity of one or several crossings for cyclists.

P‐24a. Danger due to the proximity of a place where the road can frequently be crossed by animals roaming freely, a very significant proportion of which are wild boars.

P-33. Danger due to the proximity of a section in which driving is frequently hampered by a notable loss of visibility due to fog, rain, snow, smoke, etc.

P‐35. Danger due to the proximity of a section between a confluence and a fork where different lane change movements are produced by vehicles, crossing their paths and therefore increasing the risk of collisions.

R‐2. Obligation for all drivers to stop their vehicle at the next stop line (new lettering).

R-118. Prohibition of access to personal mobility vehicles.

R‐120. Prohibition of access to vehicles based on their environmental label or other established environmental criteria. The conditions will be specified on an S-860 supplemental panel or on a sign that includes the pictogram.

R-422. Obligation for cycle users to continue on foot. If such obligation is limited to certain periods, it will be indicated by means of a supplementary panel.

S‐1b. Indicates the beginning of a multilane road and, therefore, the place from which the special traffic rules apply to this type of road. This sign may indicate the branch of a junction leading to a multilane road.

S‐1c. Indicates the beginning of a 2+1 road, that is, one that has three traffic lanes and allows traffic in both directions. The central lane is intended to facilitate overtaking manoeuvres, being alternately reserved for both directions of traffic. This sign can also indicate the branch of a junction that leads to a 2+1 road.
Other new road signs have already been featured, including those for electric vehicles, as well as a detailed explanation of how the environmental Eco Stickers work.
The post New Spanish Road Signs for 2023 first appeared on N332.es – Driving In Spain.