The presence of stray cats in different parts of the municipality has increased in recent years, as a result of which the campaign “Sterilization of cats without owners” was recently launched by the Orihuela Council.
Subsidised by the Diputación de Alicante at a cost of €6,891.44, the campaign aims to “sterilise stray cats, to avoid their uncontrolled reproduction, which due to their unsocial behaviour, are unable to adapt to living with families in closed home environments and can thereby pose hygienic-sanitary problems which we must attend to as a local administration”, explains Luis Quesada, Councillor for Health.

However, the councillor fails to advise the areas in which the current campaign is being carried out. Nor does he explain the future feline colonial plan of the municipality that he states will be put into operation, however, if it does maintain these animals in adequate conditions from the point of view of health and well-being, as he claims, they will be most welcome.