Torrevieja town hall is allocating one million euro to renew computer equipment used my municipal employees, to facilitate better teleworking.

Torrevieja town hall
Torrevieja town hall.

The tender for the provision of the equipment has been published, and as the specifications point out, the objective is to “have equipment that makes teleworking and mobile work possible in a safe and reliable manner, particularly in an environment characterised by the spread of cybersecurity threats and risks.”

The government team points out that the consolidation of teleworking for a large number of municipal employees makes it necessary to have new workstations that allow easy transfer to homes, operate with equipment configured and prepared by the IT department, instead of using private computers and do so safely in an environment of greater risks for cybersecurity. At this point, it should be noted that not all jobs are capable of telecommuting.

Both in these cases and in that of those who perform teleworking and for the days in which they provide service in person, it is necessary to have workstations with adequate capacities for the possibilities offered by the market and the needs of current work, which includes not only power, memory capacity, larger screens to operate with corporate applications such as the municipal electronic administration platform, updated operating systems, etc., but also built-in capabilities to interact remotely and develop collaborative work, such as webcams, microphone and speakers.

The statement also says that the widespread use of all-in-one computers in municipal workplaces will be promoted. The combination of this type of equipment with laptops will be the backbone of the new municipal equipment, so as to minimise the transfer of equipment between municipal offices and private homes, in order to reduce the risk of loss, damage to equipment, not compromising the information contained therein and ensuring the continuity of the services provided. Likewise, it seems necessary for reasons of efficiency and comfort, to have additional monitors so that certain workstations can be operated with two screens.