The meeting took place at the Tipsy Toad, El Galan on 25th August. Existing officers Paul Durrant, Simone de Lacy and Bob Smith were re elected unanimously for the coming season. Fourteen teams were re elected, with four new teams applying to join, namely C.C.’s Bees, CK 1 Ladybirds, Fallen Angels and CK 1 Boys. All four were accepted, 18 teams now competing for honours.
In his annual address, League Chairman, Paul Durrant, thanked departing co sponsor Shane Denness of S.S.D. Tiling for their invaluable support, welcoming Serenity Insurance as the new main sponsor, previous main sponsors, One Way Services now supporting Serenity.
Long term partner the Leader newspaper group will continue their weekly match and competition coverage, to include participating bar advertising.
The Chair added that despite background hiccups the 180+ presentation guests enjoyed an excellent evening, the usual personal trophies replaced by prizes such as professional dart cases and superb pen sets, all recipients welcomed the change.
The League accounts were in their usual healthy position and passed. The Chair sourced a new European “Shark Pro” dartboard, an equivalent board to the previously used “Winmau Blade”, import costs prohibitive to the UK example, the membership in agreement.
Anticipated start date is September 22nd, subject to fixture completion by the committee. Boards, fixtures, rules, decals etc will be delivered one week prior to League start.
A cash award was proposed for any 170 game shot, which has looked safe to date, l expect however, it to be achieved at least once.