Young flamingos who were born in the Salinas in Torrevieja are now starting to explore the big wide world. You can read more about their fledgling journey at The Leader newspaper.
However, all doesn’t always go to plan in the early days of their discovery, as some of them get tired easily, disoriented and even lost.
So, the Local Police in Torrevieja are advising us what to do if we come across one, and the short story is call them.
Flamingos are a protected species and the police have an established protocol for dealing with animals like this, which may include simply relocating them, or my require the help of professional groups like the Animal Welfare Centre teams.
So, if you do see a pretty flamingo out and about, just call the police. If your Spanish isn’t up to scratch, then the best way of doing this is by using the 112 number, where operators speak a variety of languages, including English.