The University Hospital of Torrevieja has taken delivery of a state-of-the-art CAT scanner which has been acquired by the Conselleria de Sanitat Universal y Salud Pública through the Investment Plan for High-Tech Equipment.

The new scanner, valued at 470,000 euros, is currently in the installation and assembly phase and is scheduled to enter service with the first patients from July 1.

The new CT scanner features a next-generation system based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology that streamlines workflow to improve ease of use and operational efficiency. In addition, it develops techniques more quickly and accurately, using less radiation, thus being safer for the patient.

The new equipment will allow higher resolution in oncology studies and other specialties, the expansion of multimodal brain studies, especially cerebral perfusion with the consequent improvement in the care of Stroke patients.

Pilar Santos, Manager of the Torrevieja Department of Health, acknowledges the quality of the new TAC as a “positive news that comes to underpin the commitment of the Ministry of Health for the quality of care that we provide to our patients. Undoubtedly, the new equipment represents a qualitative improvement to the public service that our patients and their families receive”.