• Plans scheduled for Replica of Santísima Trinidad as restaurant and nightclub in tatters

By Andrew Atkinson, Alicante

Six months after reporting on the sorry state of the replica of the Santísima Trinidad – Spanish Armada in situ at Alicante Port side – it is being dismantled for scrap.

The Galleon arrived in Alicante Port a decade ago from Malaga. In 2016 it began to fall into a state of disrepair and was transfered from its quayside mooring berth to Quay 7.

Plans were afoot for the former public sector tourist attraction to set to sail for Cape Verde, after completing documentation.

As reported in The Leader in December 2021 the deterioration of the Galleon had lead to wooden structures ending in two masts collapsing.

Alicante Port Authority awarded the replica of the Holy Trinity to a tour company specialising in luxury travel, providing for moving the floating platform to the Republic of Cape Verde, amid essential basic repairs and necessary permits to move to Africa.

Now the Port Authority are completing repairs, costing up to €80,000, under contract to business group Braceli.

The Galleon was previously purchased by a company in Benidorm to anchor it in the tourist capital, but after paying a deposit, the society did not continue with procedures.

Plans scheduled for the Galleon to be thoroughly conditioned by a shipyard, to continue its use as a restaurant and nightclub, now lay in tatters.

Caption: Replica of Santísima Trinidad – Spanish Armada – being dismantled for scrap. Photo: Helen Atkinson (c).