The Councillor for Education in Orihuela, María García, together with the director of the Orihuela Professional Conservatory of Music, Juan Manuel Zaragoza, presented the activities that will commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Conservatory.

García recalled that this institution began its journey as a Municipal Board of Trustees and in 1982 it was authorised as an elementary grade music centre, thus obtaining recognition of academic validity in music conservatory teaching. (Royal Decree of 12-15-1982, (BOE of 12-30-1982). “Currently, the centre teaches elementary and professional music to 300 students and its main objective is to train of those students who intend to dedicate themselves professionally to music in one of its multiple specialties.

For his part, Zaragoza has unveiled the design of the new logo that will accompany all the activities that will take place from next May 17 and that will last until December. “In principle, the spelling of the sound waves has been taken into account, fundamentally the guitar string, the black and white musical figures have also been taken, and the form that we currently had as a logo, which is the Lonja with the Conservatory, is It will be our new logo that is black and a colour that is not entirely white that simulates the colour of the old scores”, he explained.

The inaugural act of this 40th anniversary will be on May 17 with a festival of bands from the neighbouring towns of Almoradí and Torrevieja at the Teatro Circo at 6:00 p.m. Regarding the rest of the events, Juan Zaragoza assures that “it has been intended that the former students of the conservatory who have finished their degree and have continued their musical activity are the protagonists”.

Finally, the Councillor for Education took the opportunity to remind that the registration period for professional teachings of the conservatory has already opened, from last May 9 and until the next day 20, “all children who have concern in complementing their curricular training.”