DIVAS (Drama in the Valley Association) joined with the local Branch of the Royal British Legion and Neighbourhood Watch and arranged a “Bond Themed” (You only die once) Murder Mystery Dinner in “The Hondón Hub”, Hondón de los Frailes on Friday 6th May.
The 80 guests – or Special Agents – arrived to find the Crime Scene roped off and the rooms beautifully decorated in “Bond” type memorabilia. This all set the scene for “M”’s retirement party at which there had been the murder of Roger Damsels 006¾ – a well known secret agent.

“M” – played by Joe Logan, then introduced all eight suspects and the Special Agents asked questions to deduce who had done the dastardly act…. The suspects, all appropriately dressed then explained how it had not been “them” who had caused Roger’s demise. The suspects were Ernst Fuzzyfelt (with his cat), Kitty with Claws, the elegant Xenia, Dr No, or is it Yes, Golden Thumb, Scaryminger, Cuttlefishy, and Miss Penny Farthing. There were some amazing accents!
An excellent supper with dessert was served during the proceedings and at the end of the evening Teams of Special Agents were asked to name who they thought had murdered Roger. This appeared to be a little tricky but in the end just one team named the culprit who was immediately despatched by “M” with a single shot, for upsetting his party! (but we are not able to say just who that was!)
A great evening, fantastic decorations and guests were invited to join Divas at the production of “Agatha Crusty and the Village Hall Murders”, a drama, on lst and 2nd July. Further details about this can be obtained from hondondivas@gmail.com