C.L.A.R.O. does not support the motion of censure which will be voted on Monday, 25 April and which is intended to bring about a change of government in Orihuela. C.L.A.R.O. considers that the political manoeuvres to install a PSOE and Ciudadanos coalition government represent political opportunism.
Until a week ago, Ciudadanos had been in Popular Party-Ciudadanos governments for 7 years. However, nationally, they, are in serious danger of political extinction.
Ciudadanos Orihuela (opposed by their own provincial political authorities) have seized the opportunity to change partners and keep the same basic government responsibilities, in order to avoid their extinction locally.
The present PSOE leadership in Orihuela, meanwhile, by achieving the position of Mayor, are trying to avoid an internal challenge which could see their senior members replaced by others who would head the party in next year’s local elections.
As to Cambiemos, who support the motion of censure but who will not be present in the new government, their motives are less clear. They have chosen, however, to break the coalition with C.L.A.R.O.
They signed the proposed motion of censure in the name of Cambiemos-Unidas Podemos, not CAMBIEMOS ORIHUELA CLARO:UNIDAS PODEMOS, the name of the coalition which contested the elections in 2019.
C.L.A.R.O. did not participate in the negotiation of the proposed motion of censure and we were given a minimum of information about developments. On a matter of such fundamental political importance C.L.A.R.O. was excluded by its coalition partner. The coalition is therefore de facto ended.
Perhaps Cambiemos were told that C.L.A.R.O’S participation was vetoed as, apparently, Cambiemos’s inclusion in the new government was vetoed. Whatever, by their choice the Cambiemos-Claro coalition is ended.

C.L.A.R.O’S decision not to support the motion of censure was carefully deliberated and is not based on the grounds of its treatment by its former coalition partners. As far as we know, the proposed agreement negotiated by Cambiemos and PSOE (we do not know to what extent it is agreed by Ciudadanos) contains too little of interest for Orihuela Costa. As to be expected, there are many items of specific interest to Orihuela city and surrounding villages.
On Cala Mosca, the vital environmental issue on which C.L.A.R.O and Cambiemos have cooperated so fully in the past, the commitment is vague and conditioned, amounting to little more than good intentions.
Knowing that Ciudadanos, who would remain in charge of Urbanismo and who are in favour of building the 2,200 new houses and apartments on Cala Mosca, this is not perhaps surprising but nonetheless disappointing. A commitment on decentralisation and enabling more services to be managed on the coast is similarly little more than an expression of good intentions.
The one specific point of interest for the coast is the agreement to construct a Library and multi-use (cultural) centre. But of course, this is a Popular Party proposal negotiated carefully with interested associations on the coast, including C.L.A.R.O. and which is in advanced stage of preparation.

Another specific point is the announcement of an action plan (plan de choque) on street cleaning and infrastructures (presumably mainly parks and gardens) BUT ONLY IN Orihuela Costa on the non-coastal side of the N332. As if the streets and parks and gardens on the coastal side of the N332 were impeccable. There is no commitment on budgetary resources to finance such an action plan and the councillor in charge of infrastructures remains the same. However, C.L.A.R.O has a fundamental objection to dividing Orihuela Costa in terms of policy.
It is very dangerous to the strength and cohesion of Orihuela Costa and our potential to right the wrongs which we all face, and which can only be solved at the level of the municipal government. We believe this divisive proposal is politically motivated.
Because of the opportunist motives of the political parties involved and the inadequacies of the proposed programme of government, C.L.A.R.O does not support the motion of censure to change the government of Orihuela, to be voted on 25 April.
If any benefits do result for Orihuela Costa, they will, of course, be welcomed. But at the moment for Orihuela Costa the prospects seem to be a case of the more it changes, the more it stays the same. Except, a positive coalition between Cambiemos and C.L.A.R.O has become a victim of the manoeuvres to bring it about.