The Provincial Council of Alicante, through the environment department, has carried out improvements in the Sierra de Crevillent, in the surroundings of La Vella, where it has intervened in masses and forest lands in an area of ​​almost 11 hectares.

The Deputy for the Environment and Spokesperson for the Popular Group, Miguel Ángel Sánchez, explained that an important forestry action has been carried out in the mountains to improve the landscape and make it both more resilient to climate change and fires.

The dry branches of the trees have been pruned to protect them against fires and a plantation of 500 units of species such as palm hearts and wild olive trees has been made, which allow the diversification of plant species and are food for fauna. Also, within the erosion correction, fascines have been made, with logs and chopped branches for hydrological correction.

Miguel Ángel Sánchez indicated that the Diputación has subsidised this improvement intervention in the mountains at a cost of €41,750 and on the other hand, he regretted that the local council of Crevillent, a few weeks ago, lost aid from the provincial body that tried to improve other environments in the mountains with the removal of uncontrolled discharges.