Indefinite hiring in the first quarter of the year has grown in Elche by 18 points, in Crevillente by 12 and in Santa Pola by 15, whereas those on temporary contracts have fallen by the same index.

The year began in Elche with an indefinite hiring rate of 18% and the month of March has ended with 36%, while in Crevillente the first month of this year registered an indefinite hiring rate of 15% and in March it has been at 27%.

In Santa Pola, 19% of January contracts were indefinite and that rate in March stood at 34%.

Both the CCOO and UGT unions have valued the news as positive, thanks to the Labour Reforms brought in by central Government. This regulation has been in force since December 31, although it was launched with a transitory period until March 30 in regard to the definitive disappearance of the contract for work and service, which under the current legal framework since the end of last year it has been definitively eliminated after the first quarter of the year.

This situation leads the unions to trust that in the coming months, permanent contracts will continue to increase, as explained by both Ismael Senent , secretary of the UGT in the Baix Vinalopó and Vega Baja regions, and Antonio Ferrández, secretary of Organisation and Employment of CCOO in the regions of Vinalopó-Vega Baja.

In the month of March, 5,925 contracts were registered in Elche. Of these, 2166 have been indefinite. In Crevillente, hiring in March has been estimated at 788 contracts, of which 216 have been indefinite, while in Santa Pola 644 contracts have been registered, of which 218 have been indefinite.