- ‘We should not give up, it is possible to move forward, if we all put the best of ourselves on the table. A fulfilled neighbourhood demand is a better Torrevieja’
Torrevieja politician Rodolfo Carmona says he is convinced that another way of doing politics is possible – there is another way of understanding what it means to be in government – and as a member of the opposition.
“I do not want to be in gutter politics, but in the politics of service, in the politics that seeks the trust of the people,” said Carmona, Councillor for the Spanish Socialist Workers Party Torrevieja at Torrevieja Town Hall.
“Not because of the confrontation with the government, but because of working, supervising and proposing alternatives to the citizens.
“The citizens’ weariness is more than evident, a display of impoverishing selfishness, an absolute lack of ideas,” said Carmona, former secretary of the PSOE Torrevieja.
“Today we have to value that responsible collaboration between everyone, neighbours, the opposition and the government continues to bear fruit, continues to resolve issues that have been entrenched for years.
“Knowing how to listen, gaining the trust of the neighbours, looking for a solution and not obtaining political gain.
“By always attacking the government in power and failing to acknowledge it when the problem has been solved seems to be a weak or complacent strategy.
“It is about putting Torrevieja and its needs at the centre, it is about looking for solutions doing what is possible or impossible,” said Carmona.
Carmona aired his views following a neighbourhood demand that has been met – after years of neglect – that had become a dumping ground.
Rats, dirt and an image of abandonment in an area of the city, located at the end of Urbano Arreguí street, near the Aldi de Msr Azul.

The said the area has been cleared to show a different picture of what has been an eyesore for the residents.
“My congratulations to the Urban Planning Department for attending to our request. We are still on the right track,” said Carmona.
“From the opposition you can and should give your best to build the best possible Torrevieja. I will continue, we will continue working on that line,” he said.
“Apart from those more immediate needs, we encourage you to send us everything you consider necessary, all those measures that should be taken to build the Torrevieja of the future. Among all we can do it.
“This is Torrevieja and it is about the neighbours,” added Carmona.
Sergio Tapiador Sanchez, echoing thanks on behalf of residents, said: “Very well, they finally cleaned the waste field for us.
“But now they need to remove all the weeds from the plot, because that is a nest of bugs. Thanks Rodolfo Carmona.”
Mavi López added: “Excellent work. Loving our city is not showing its beauty, but polishing its defects, eradicating them.
“Some think that by showing only the beautiful side of Torrevieja, they love it more, but it is not like that.”
*Send your complaints and suggestions, via WhatsApp to 635 075 477, through Messenger or email: carmonarodolfo67@gmail.com