• Waste-water treatment plant, the health centre, the bus station and the restoration of the River Aguas
  • Sánchez Torregrosa chairs the Coordination Commission in the locality alongside the Mayor Rosa Mª Cano, with the attendance of the territorial delegates

The Junta de Andalucía Government delegate in Almería, Maribel Sánchez Torregrosa, and Mojácar, Mayor Rosa María Cano, chaired the Provincial Coordination Commission in the locality, which for the third time was held outside the Government Delegation in Almería. During the meeting Torregrosa highlighted the Junta’s actions in the locality, “which come in order to resolve a historic demand, like the new EDAR waste-water treatment plant and grouping of discharges, the environmental restoration of the River Aguas and the new health centre, the putting out to tender for which will be carried out this March.”

The delegate expressed her gratitude for the collaboration of the local council on holding the meeting, held at the Mojácar Parador facilities, and she issued an assurance that “the aim of these meetings is to bring the Government of Juanma Moreno closer to every corner of Andalucía, and in this case Almería, due to the municipalist attitude which characterises this Junta de Andalucía.”

During the course of the commission, “the most important investments the Junta is going to make in this municipality have been revealed, such as the new health centre, which will have an investment of 3.4 million euros to provide a solution to a residents’ demand”, Torregrosa maintained.

The total constructed area will be 2,398 metres, on a plot of 9,196sqm ceded by the local council in the Paraje Rambla de Campos, located between the road which connects Mojácar Pueblo and Mojácar Playa.

The delegate wanted to highlight the importance of the “Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development Regional Ministry’s commitment to Mojácar with two very important actions, like the new EDAR and the environmental restoration of the River Aguas, which is already underway.”

In regard to purification, a works project for the grouping of discharges and the Mojácar EDAR, in which the Junta is going to make a historic investment of a total amount of 23.7 million euros, is being prepared and put out to tender. It will allow for the purification of the waste-water of the municipalities of Bédar, Los Gallardos, Garrucha, Turre and Mojácar. They will replace 25-year-old obsolete facilities and the purification will be adapted to the increase in population which tourism generates.

The environmental restoration of the River Aguas is possibly the most far-reaching project which has been carried out at the level of Andalucian intra-community basins. The delegate explained that “it has a budget of six million euros and involves action along 21.4 kilometres, from the Giles district to the mouth on the Mediterranean on the beaches of Mojácar, crossing the municipalities of Bédar, Turre, Los Gallardos and Mojácar”.

This restoration of the River Aguas combines the safety of the populations in the face of flood, the protection of agricultural land located along the banks of the river and the conservation of the environment and its biodiversity. At present, 3.1 million euros worth has been carried out of this action.

Another major project which is going to be carried out is the construction of a bus interchange on the Avenida de Andalucía, following the signing of an agreement between the local council, the Development Delegation in Almería and the Junta’s Mobility Directorate-General.

The facilities will have capacity for four buses to stop at the same time and the Development Regional Ministry’s investment will be 686,300 euros. Currently, and on the same matter, the locality’s PGOU General Urban Development Plan is being processed.

Commitment to tourism

The improvement of the Mojácar coastline is another of the Junta de Andalucía’s concerns, and from this the different items it has carried out, and which add up to nearly 500,000 euros. There is an item of 396,545 euros for the reconditioning of infrastructure and provision of necessary equipment for improving accessibility to the beach, as well as for the acquisition of toilet and changing room huts and the replacement of the existing walkways for concrete ones.

The Regional Tourism Ministry has also allocated 18,000 euros to the creation of an interactive virtual reality map which does not require a mobile phone app.

The Presidency Regional Ministry, and for the first time, in the summer of 2020 developed a safe beaches plan, for which it invested 73,237 euros for taking on personnel and for material to improve the safety of the area, such as a quad bike, a buggy and a pick-up. In regard to Employment, as part of Plan Aire more than 82,000 euros has been invested in hiring six people for maintaining and cleaning public spaces and buildings, as well as gardens, natural zones, improving sanitation, paving and road surfaces.

Mojácar Mayor, Rosa María Cano, expressed gratitude “that this municipality has been the place where this commission of the Junta de Andalucía delegates in Almería has been celebrated because it demonstrates the commitment of the Andalucía Government to my municipality.” Cano listed “the works and projects which will shortly be a reality, historic demands of Mojácar, and which will impact on the residents of this Levante region locality with more than 7,000 inhabitants, but which in summer triples its population.”

This is the third meeting held outside the Government Delegation following those in Roquetas de Mar and Benitagla.

Taking part in the provincial Commission were Tourism Delegate ,Vicente García Egea, Health and Families Delegate, Juan de la Cruz Belmonte, Education and Sport Delegate, Antonio Jiménez, Development, Infrastructure, Land Planning, Culture and Historical Heritage Delegate, Eloísa Cabrera, Environment Delegate, Raquel Espín, Agriculture Delegate, Aranzazu Martín, Local Administration Delegate, José Luis Delgado, Equality, Social Policies and Conciliation Delegate, Rafael Pasamontes, IAM Advisor in Almería, María Monteagud, and IAJ Advisor, Rosa Maldonado.