The Local Police of Callosa has two new patrol cars for surveillance in the town.

The town hall has acquired two Nissan Qasqai, under a 4-year lease, for a value of 71,500 euro plus IVA.

With the addition of these vehicles, the Callosa Local Police doubles the fleet of patrol cars. Of the 2 new vehicles, one of them includes a stop kit, with screens, seats and panels.

The Mayor of Callosa, Manuel Martínez points out that “one of our main objectives since we came to the government of Callosa was the reinforcement and improvement of security. Today we incorporate 2 new vehicles to the fleet that will be duplicated. And in the new budget we have a reserved item to expand our Local Police staff by 4 places”.

Martínez has highlighted “the enormous effort and great work that the Local Police are carrying out, with the reinforcement of shifts during the weekends or the coordination work with the police of Granja-Cox and Redován. We have a better, more effective organisation to achieve a safer Callosa”.

With the new vehicles, the Callosa Local Police has 4 cars and 2 motorcycles for surveillance in the area. The council plans to put out a public tender for the purchase of electric weapons and bulletproof vests to reinforce the equipment of the agents.